Writing for publication

Available face to face and virtually

A pile of open books
This course enhances the skills of anyone using the written word to showcase their expertise and market their business to clients and contacts. We cover the whole process from deciding on your topic and identifying the “So what?” points to choosing a structure and title and using a compelling writing style. Cathy can deliver a shorter course that covers the basics and includes some exercises, or a longer one where you come with an idea for an article and start to plan it during the session.

View our course outline here

“I thought it was an excellent training session. Given her background, Cathy has the gravitas to be able to deliver this sort of training to senior people and to seasoned article writers and for them to be able to take something away from it. The fact that she understands writing legal articles and the issues that are particular to that means that the training is not just generic.”

“The most valuable part of the course was the opportunity to discuss approaches to publications with colleagues, facilitated by someone who clearly knew what she was talking about and who was not afraid to express a view.”

“I thought Cathy was very knowledgeable, had some very good materials and excellent points as to how to improve one’s writing style. The best course I’ve been on whilst at the firm.”

Any questions?

Please get in touch for more information, or to discuss what you’re looking for.

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